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LOD evolution: change typology, update languages and integrity rules, , , , , , , , and . Deliverable, D3.1. DIACHRON: Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web, (March 2014)On Achieving Diversity in Recommender Systems., , and . ExploreDB@SIGMOD/PODS, page 4:1-4:6. ACM, (2017)Entity resolution in the web of data., , , and . WWW (Companion Volume), page 203-204. ACM, (2014)Recommendations beyond the ratings matrix., and . DDI@WebSci, page 2:1-2:5. ACM, (2016)Exploring subspace clustering for recommendations., , , and . SSDBM, page 42:1-42:4. ACM, (2014)Tracking the History and Evolution of Entities: Entity-centric Temporal Analysis of Large Social Media Archives., , , and . CoRR, (2018)Fair Team Recommendations for Multidisciplinary Projects., and . WI, page 293-297. ACM, (2019)Exploratory Search in Databases and the Web., , , and . EDBT/ICDT Workshops, volume 1133 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 158-159., (2014)Cluster-based Contextual Recommendations., and . EDBT, page 712-713., (2016)SQUIRREL: A framework for sequential group recommendations through reinforcement learning., , and . Inf. Syst., (2023)