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Other publications of authors with the same name

Concept-based discovery of mobile services., , and . Mobile Data Management, page 257-261. ACM, (2005)Building Information Systems for Mobile Environments., and . CIKM, page 371-378. ACM, (1994)Metadata modeling in a global computing environment., , and . ACM-GIS, page 68-73. ACM, (2002)BITPEER: continuous subspace skyline computation with distributed bitmap indexes., and . DaMaP, page 35-42. ACM, (2008)Scalable Invalidation-Based Processing of Queries in Broadcast Push Delivery.. ER Workshops, volume 1552 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 230-241. Springer, (1998)Adaptive Query Processing.. Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer US, (2009)Query Processing.. Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer US, (2009)Query Optimization.. Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer US, (2009)Content-Based Overlay Networks for XML Peers Based on Multi-level Bloom Filters., , and . DBISP2P, volume 2944 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 232-247. Springer, (2003)Skyline-Based Temporal Graph Exploration., , and . ADBIS, volume 13985 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 88-102. Springer, (2023)