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Other publications of authors with the same name

Asynchronous Grant-Free Random Access: Partially Uni-Directional Message Passing for Joint User Activity Detection and Channel Estimation., , , , , and . WCSP, page 1156-1161. IEEE, (2023)Asynchronous Grant-Free Random Access: Receiver Design With Partially Uni-Directional Message Passing and Interference Suppression Analysis., , , , , and . IEEE Internet Things J., 11 (9): 15416-15433 (May 2024)Deep-Neural-Network-Aided Cross-Slot User Equipment Scheduling for Grant-Free Random Access., , , and . IEEE Internet Things J., 9 (24): 25269-25284 (2022)Variational Bayesian Inference Clustering-Based Joint User Activity and Data Detection for Grant-Free Random Access in mMTC., , , , and . IEEE Internet Things J., 10 (11): 9906-9916 (June 2023)Signal Scrambling Based Joint Blind Channel Estimation, Activity Detection, and Decoding for Massive Random Access., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 23 (8): 9629-9642 (August 2024)Joint Blind Channel Estimation, Activity Detection, and Decoding for Coded Massive Random Access., , , , , and . WCSP, page 251-256. IEEE, (2023)An Iterative Receiver With Orthogonal AMP-Based Equalization for Doubly Selective Fading Channels., , and . ICCC, page 196-201. IEEE, (2022)Random NOMA With Cross-Slot Successive Interference Cancelation Packet Recovery., , , , and . IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett., 9 (7): 1065-1069 (2020)DNN-Aided Block Sparse Bayesian Learning for User Activity Detection and Channel Estimation in Grant-Free Non-Orthogonal Random Access., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 68 (12): 12000-12012 (2019)Shallow Underground Space Exploration and IoT Security Monitoring., , and . ICCNS, page 55-59. ACM, (2021)