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Low-complexity coding scheme to approach multiple-access channel capacity., and . ISIT, page 2106-2110. IEEE, (2015)Sneak Path Interference-Aware Adaptive Detection and Decoding for Resistive Memory Arrays., , , and . IEEE Commun. Lett., 26 (9): 2032-2036 (2022)Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Fresco Restoration with Multiscale Line Drawing Generation., and . Complex., (2021)Super-Sparse On-Off Division Multiple Access: Replacing Repetition With Idling., , , , and . IEEE Trans. Commun., 68 (4): 2251-2263 (2020)Automatic Pose and Shape Initialization via Multiview Silhouette Images., , and . BI, volume 12960 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 548-557. Springer, (2021)Capacity Optimal Coded Generalized MU-MIMO., , , , , and . ISIT, page 2291-2296. IEEE, (2022)Selector Failure Detection for Resistive Random Access Memories., , , , and . ISIT, page 2918-2923. IEEE, (2021)Signal Scrambling Based Joint Blind Channel Estimation, Activity Detection, and Decoding for Massive Random Access., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 23 (8): 9629-9642 (August 2024)Photovoltaic Power Generation and Energy Storage Capacity Cooperative Planning Method for Rail Transit Self-Consistent Energy Systems Considering the Impact of DoD., , , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, 16 (1): 665-677 (January 2025)Eiffel: Inferring Input Ranges of Significant Floating-point Errors via Polynomial Extrapolation., , , , , , , , , and . ASE, page 1441-1453. IEEE, (2023)