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WebStickers: using physical tokens to access, manage and share bookmarks to the Web.

, , and . Designing Augmented Reality Environments, page 23-31. ACM, (2000)

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Web based platforms in co-located practice: the use of a wiki as support for learning and instruction., , , , and . CSCL, page 480-489. International Society of the Learning Sciences / ACM DL, (2007)Mobile Music Technology: Report on an Emerging Community., , , and . NIME, page 22-25. IRCAM - Centre Pompidou in collaboration with Sorbonne University, (2006)Context photography: modifying the digital camera into a new creative tool., , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 1191-1194. ACM, (2004)Circumspect Users: Older Adults as Critical Adopters and Resistors of Technology., , , and . CHI, page 84:1-84:14. ACM, (2021)The state of tangible interfaces: projects, studies, and open issues., , , , , , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 61-64. ACM, (2006)Antonius: a mobile search engine for the physical world., , and . UbiComp (Adjunct Publication), page 179-182. ACM, (2013)WebStickers: using physical tokens to access, manage and share bookmarks to the Web., , and . Designing Augmented Reality Environments, page 23-31. ACM, (2000)Welcome to the mobile life!. Interactions, 13 (3): 57- (2006)The robots are coming.. Interactions, 12 (3): 58-59 (2005)Computers?: that's so 20th century!. Interactions, 12 (6): 47- (2005)