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Highly Efficient Implementation of MPI Point-to-Point Communication Using Remote Memory Operations., , , и . International Conference on Supercomputing, стр. 267-273. ACM, (1998)Imbalance of CPU temperatures in a blade system and its impact for power consumption of fans., , , , , и . Clust. Comput., 16 (1): 27-37 (2013)Communication Studies of Single-Threaded and Multithreaded Distributed-Memory Multiprocessors., , , , и . HPCA, стр. 310-314. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Performance of the Supercomputer Fugaku for Breadth-First Search in Graph500 Benchmark., , , , и . ISC, том 12728 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 372-390. Springer, (2021)Power consumption and efficiency of cooling in a Data Center., , , , , и . GRID, стр. 305-312. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Experience with Executing Shared Memory Programs using Fine-Grain Communication and Multithreading in EM-4., , , и . IPPS, стр. 630-636. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Prototype Implementation of a Highly Parallel Dataflow Machine EM-4., , и . IPPS, стр. 278-286. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)XcalableACC: extension of XcalableMP PGAS language using OpenACC for accelerator clusters., , , , , , , и . WACCPD@SC, стр. 27-36. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Preliminary Performance Evaluation of the Fujitsu A64FX Using HPC Applications., , , , , и . CLUSTER, стр. 523-530. IEEE, (2020)Message-based efficient remote memory access on a highly parallel computer EM-X., , , , и . ISPAN, стр. 135-142. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)