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Design and Implementation of a Versatile Interconnection Network in the EM-4.

, , and . ICPP (1), page 426-430. CRC Press, (1991)

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EM-3: A Lisp-Based Data-Driven Machine., , , and . FGCS, page 524-532. OHMSHA Ltd. Tokyo and North-Holland, (1984)EM-C: Programming with Explicit Parallelism and Locality for EM-4 Multiprocessor., , , and . IFIP PACT, volume A-50 of IFIP Transactions, page 3-14. North-Holland, (1994)Methodologies in development and testing of the dataflow machine EM-4., , , and . Parallel Comput., 18 (8): 901-912 (1992)An Architecture of a Dataflow Single Chip Processor., , , , and . ISCA, page 46-53. ACM, (1989)The EM-X Parallel Computer: Architecture and Basic Performance., , , , , and . ISCA, page 14-23. ACM, (1995)Nonnumeric search results on the EM-4 distributed-memory multiprocessor., , , , and . SC, page 301-310. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)EMC-Y: Parallel Processing Element Optimizing Communication and Computation., , , , , and . International Conference on Supercomputing, page 167-174. ACM, (1993)A Performance Evaluation of a Lisp-Based Data-Driven Machine (EM-3), , and . ISCA, page 363-369. ACM, (1983)Parallel Execution of Radix Sort Program Using Fine-Grain Communication., , , , , and . IEEE PACT, page 136-145. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Identifying the capability of overlapping computation with communication., , , , , , , and . IEEE PACT, page 133-138. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)