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Augmenting Looking, Pointing and Reaching Gestures to Enhance the Searching and Browsing of Physical Objects.

, and . Pervasive, volume 4480 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1-18. Springer, (2007)

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Augmenting Looking, Pointing and Reaching Gestures to Enhance the Searching and Browsing of Physical Objects., and . Pervasive, volume 4480 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1-18. Springer, (2007)Personalization, expressivity, and learnability of an implicit mapping strategy for physical interfaces, and . Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), page 2152--2161. (2005)Identifying and facilitating social interaction with a wearable wireless sensor network., , , , , , , and . Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 14 (2): 137-152 (2010)Sifteo cubes., , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 1015-1018. ACM, (2012)The sound of touch: physical manipulation of digital sound., , and . CHI, page 739-742. ACM, (2008)Siftables: towards sensor network user interfaces., , and . TEI, page 75-78. ACM, (2007)The new era of physical/digital play.. NordiCHI, page 2. ACM, (2010)JamiOki-PureJoy: A Game Engine and Instrument for Electronically-Mediated Musical Improvisation., and . NIME, page 321-326., (2007)Head-Tracking for Gestural and Continuous Control of Parameterized Audio Effects.. NIME, page 218-219. Faculty of Music, McGill University, (2003)Circular Optical Object Locator., , and . NIME, page 163-164. Media Lab Europe, (2002)