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Practical Strategies for Hypotheses Elimination on the Self-Localization Problem., , и . Technical Report, 236. Department of Computer Science, (августа 1999)Web-Based Data Capture and Management in Epidemiologic Investigations., , , и . CBMS, стр. 547-. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)A Scalable High-Voltage Output Driver for Low-Voltage CMOS Technologies., , , и . IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst., 14 (12): 1347-1353 (2006)Risk factors for major neurodevelopmental impairments and need for special education resources in extremely premature infants., , , , , и . J Pediatr, 119 (4): 606--614 (октября 1991)A Low Voltage to High Voltage Level Shifter in a Low Voltage, 0.25 µm, PD SOI Process., , , , и . ISVLSI, стр. 218-221. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Neurodevelopmental outcome of infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome., , , , , , , , и . J Pediatr, 126 (3): 496--498 (марта 1995)Multivariate risks among extremely premature infants., , , , , , и . J Perinatol, 14 (1): 41--47 (1994)Functional status of extremely preterm infants at kindergarten entry., , , , , и . Dev Med Child Neurol, 35 (4): 312--320 (апреля 1993)