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A Real-time intelligent shoe system for fall detection., , , , and . ROBIO, page 2253-2258. IEEE, (2011)Short-term Electric Load Forecasting Using TensorFlow and Deep Auto-Encoders. (2019)cite arxiv:1907.08941Comment: 8 pages.Swimming Motion Analysis and Posture Recognition Based on Wearable Inertial Sensors., , , , , , , and . SMC, page 3371-3376. IEEE, (2019)A Multi-Featured Analysis for Body Sensor Networks-based Affective Actions Recognition., , , , , and . CSCWD, page 345-349. IEEE, (2019)A Novel Method for Predicting Action Switching in Continuous Motion based on sEMG Signals., , , and . RCAR, page 1343-1348. IEEE, (2021)ELSV: An Effective Anomaly Detection System from Web Access Logs., , , , and . IPCCC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Moving Object Detection Based on Self-adaptive Contour Extraction., , and . ICIG (1), volume 12888 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 126-135. Springer, (2021)Fluid absorption and diffusion in and between porous materials., and . VRCAI, page 23-26. ACM, (2015)Study on Traffic Survey in Urban Traffic Planning., and . ITITS, volume 314 of Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, page 242-248. IOS Press, (2018)Resource Allocation for Covert Communication in D2D Content Sharing: A Matching Game Approach., , , , and . IEEE Access, (2019)