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A Real-time Big Data Framework for Network Security Situation Monitoring., , , , , и . ICEIS (1), стр. 167-175. SciTePress, (2019)An Attack Behaviors Prediction Model Based on Bag Representation in Time Series., , , , , и . LCN, стр. 113-116. IEEE, (2019)Log Layering Based on Natural Language Processing., , , , , , и . ICACT, стр. 660-663. IEEE, (2019)Autoencoder ensembles for network intrusion detection., , , , , и . ICACT, стр. 323-333. IEEE, (2022)Low Temperature Stability of Fluoride Pyrochlores Investigated by Neutron Powder Diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy, , , , , и . ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA A-FOUNDATION AND ADVANCES, 61 (S): C368 (2005)A Hybrid Intrusion Detection Algorithm Based on Gaussian Mixture Model and Nearest Neighbors., , , , , и . LCN, стр. 117-120. IEEE, (2019)Tamper Detection Based on Webpage Change Features., , , , , , и . ICACT, стр. 182-186. IEEE, (2022)An Effective RF-based Intrusion Detection Algorithm with Feature Reduction and Transformation., , , , , и . ICEIS (2), стр. 221-228. SciTePress, (2019)An Effective Parallel SVM Intrusion Detection Model for Imbalanced Training Datasets., , , , , , и . ICEIS (2), стр. 225-232. SCITEPRESS, (2020)An SR-ISODATA algorithm for IDS alerts aggregation., , , и . ICIA, стр. 92-97. IEEE, (2014)