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Storage challenge - High performance data analysis for particle physics using the Gfarm file system., , , , , , und . SC, Seite 326. ACM Press, (2006)Bandwidth-Aware Design of Large-Scale Clusters for Scientific Computations.. HPCC, Volume 4782 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 3. Springer, (2007)The Impact of Taskyield on the Design of Tasks Communicating Through MPI., , , und . IWOMP, Volume 11128 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 3-17. Springer, (2018)A parallel method for large sparse generalized eigenvalue problems using a GridRPC system., , , , , und . Future Gener. Comput. Syst., 24 (6): 613-619 (2008)Implementation and performance evaluation of CONFLEX-G: grid-enabled molecular conformational space search program with OmniRPC., , , , und . ICS, Seite 154-163. ACM, (2004)A Parallel Method for Large Sparse Generalized Eigenvalue Problems by OmniRPC in a Grid Environment., , , und . PARA, Volume 3732 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 1151-1158. Springer, (2004)Performance of the Supercomputer Fugaku for Breadth-First Search in Graph500 Benchmark., , , , und . ISC, Volume 12728 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 372-390. Springer, (2021)Experience with Executing Shared Memory Programs using Fine-Grain Communication and Multithreading in EM-4., , , und . IPPS, Seite 630-636. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Resource Manager for Globus-Based Wide-Area Cluster Computing., , , , und . IWCC, Seite 237-. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Implementation and Performance Evaluation of XcalableMP: A Parallel Programming Language for Distributed Memory Systems., und . ICPP Workshops, Seite 413-420. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)