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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Analysis of Parallel Numerical Libraries to Solve the 3D Electron Continuity Equation., und . International Conference on Computational Science, Volume 3037 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 590-593. Springer, (2004)Development of a 3D Parallel Finite Element Monte Carlo Simulator for Nano-MOSFETs., , und . LSSC, Volume 4818 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 115-122. Springer, (2007)A Flexible Cluster System for the Management of Virtual Clusters in the Cloud., , , und . HPCC/CSS/ICESS, Seite 1693-1698. IEEE, (2015)Study of strained effects in nanoscale GAA nanowire FETs using 3D Monte Carlo simulations., , , , und . ESSDERC, Seite 184-187. IEEE, (2017)AXC: A new format to perform the SpMV oriented to Intel Xeon Phi architecture in OpenCL., , und . Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., (2019)A new AXT format for an efficient SpMV product using AVX-512 instructions and CUDA., , und . Adv. Eng. Softw., (2021)Variability Characterisation of Nanoscale Si and InGaAs Fin Field-Effect-Transistors at Subthreshold., , , , und . J. Low Power Electron., 11 (2): 256-262 (2015)Optimisation of the Parallel Performance of a 3D Device Simulator for HEMTs., und . ISPA, Volume 4330 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 859-868. Springer, (2006)General Workload Manager: A task manager as a service., , und . ICC Workshops, Seite 1859-1864. IEEE, (2015)Performance of the CloudStack KVM Pod Primary Storage under NFS Version 3., , , und . ISPA, Seite 845-846. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)