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Generalized ramsey theory for graphs, x: double stars., , и . Discret. Math., 28 (3): 247-254 (1979)An O(n log n) Unidirectional Distributed Algorithm for Extrema Finding in a Circle., , и . J. Algorithms, 3 (3): 245-260 (1982)Insights from the aphasia project: designing technology for and with people who have aphasia., , , , , , , и . CUU, стр. 112-118. ACM, (2003)Phoenix Quest: Lessons in Developing An Educational Computer Games for Girls....and Boys., , , и . Multimedia Technology and Applications, стр. 264-274. (1996)Super Tangrams: A Child-Centered Approach to Designing a Computer Supported Mathematics Learning Environment., и . ICLS, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (1996)Multi-Layer Grid Embeddings, , , , и . FOCS, стр. 186-196. IEEE Computer Society, (1985)Supporting learners in a remote CSCL environment: the importance of task and communication., и . CSCL, стр. 65-75. International Society of the Learning Sciences, (1997)An Interface Strategy for Promoting Reflective Cognition in Children., и . CHI Conference Companion, стр. 177-178. ACM, (1996)Gender Differences in Vancouver Secondary Students., , , и . WWC, том 172 из IFIP Conference Proceedings, стр. 58-69. Kluwer, (2000)Improved Lower Bounds for the Cycle Detection Problem., и . Theor. Comput. Sci., (1985)