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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

EmotionCheck: leveraging bodily signals and false feedback to regulate our emotions., , , , und . UbiComp, Seite 758-769. ACM, (2016)Mindless computing: designing technologies to subtly influence behavior., , , und . UbiComp, Seite 719-730. ACM, (2015)Operating at a Distance - How a Teleoperated Surgical Robot Reconfigures Teamwork in the Operating Room., , , und . PACMHCI, 2 (CSCW): 138:1-138:28 (2018)How Personification and Interactivity Influence Stress-Related Disclosures to Conversational Agents., , , , und . CSCW Companion, Seite 285-288. ACM, (2018)What Predicts Interpersonal Affect? Preliminary Analyses from Retrospective Evaluations., , und . CoRR, (2023)EmotionCheck: A Wearable Device to Regulate Anxiety through False Heart Rate Feedback., , , , und . GetMobile Mob. Comput. Commun., 21 (2): 22-25 (2017)Negotiating Dyadic Interactions through the Lens of Augmented Reality Glasses., , , , und . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, Seite 493-508. ACM, (2023)Participatory materials: having a reflective conversation with an artifact in the making., , , und . Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, Seite 25-34. ACM, (2014)The Ripple Effects of Vulnerability: The Effects of a Robot's Vulnerable Behavior on Trust in Human-Robot Teams., , , und . HRI, Seite 178-186. ACM, (2018)Research through Design Approaches in Human-Robot Interaction., , , , , und . HRI (Companion), Seite 685-687. ACM, (2021)