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NL2SQL is a solved problem... Not!, , , , , , , , , and 10 other author(s). CIDR,, (2024)Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dexterous Manipulation with Concept Networks., , , , , , and . CoRR, (2017)Reinforcement Learning Agent Training with Goals for Real World Tasks., and . CoRR, (2021)Creation and deployment of data mining-based intrusion detection systems in Oracle Database l0g., and . ICMLA, IEEE Computer Society, (2005)An Approach to Assess Knowledge and Skills in Risk Management Through Project-Based Learning., , , and . Int. J. Distance Educ. Technol., 10 (3): 17-34 (2012)SVM in Oracle Database 10g: Removing the Barriers to Widespread Adoption of Support Vector Machines., , and . VLDB, page 1152-1163. ACM, (2005)O-Cluster: Scalable Clustering of Large High Dimensional Data Sets., and . ICDM, page 290-297. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Data-centric automated data mining., , and . ICMLA, IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Evaluation of lighting systems through adaptation of photometric quantities., , , , and . IECON, page 6069-6074. IEEE, (2013)Propuesta de interfaz cerebro computadora realizada en una plataforma de bajo costo para la interpretación de la imaginación de movimiento., , , , and . Res. Comput. Sci., 151 (8): 59-73 (2022)