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Simplified partially parallel DVB-S2 LDPC decoder architectural design based on FPGA., , and . ICCC, page 314-318. IEEE, (2014)Semi-supervised Learning for Mars Imagery Classification and Segmentation., , , and . ACM Trans. Multim. Comput. Commun. Appl., 19 (4): 144:1-144:23 (2023)TE141K: Artistic Text Benchmark for Text Effects Transfer., , and . CoRR, (2019)TRES: An R Package for Tensor Regression and Envelope Algorithms., , and . J. Stat. Softw., (2021)Consistent Video Style Transfer via Compound Regularization., , , , and . AAAI, page 12233-12240. AAAI Press, (2020)Efficient deployment surface area for underwater wireless sensor networks., , and . CCIS, page 1083-1086. IEEE, (2012)A Novel Approach to Information Fusion for Multicomponent Gas Quantitative Analysis with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer., , , , , and . SmartCloud, page 133-137. IEEE, (2018)Design of high sensitivity GPS signal acquisition circuit with new frequency domain search strategy., , , and . CHINACOM, page 925-928. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)GLADNet: Low-Light Enhancement Network with Global Awareness., , , and . FG, page 751-755. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)On the Availability and Spare Capacity Requirements of Path-Restorable Transport Networks., and . RNDM, page 1-7. IEEE, (2018)