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Error Bounds for Uplink and Downlink 3D Localization in 5G mmWave Systems., , , , and . CoRR, (2017)Enhanced List-based Group-wise overloaded receiver with application to satellite reception., , , and . ICC, page 5616-5621. IEEE, (2014)Random-Phase Beamforming for Initial Access in Millimeter-Wave Cellular Networks., , , , and . GLOBECOM, page 1-6. IEEE, (2016)Performance Analysis for Autonomous Vehicle 5g-Assisted Positioning in GNSS-Challenged Environments., , , and . PLANS, page 996-1003. IEEE, (2020)Localization Error Bounds for 5G mmWave Systems Under I/Q Imbalance., , , , and . IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 69 (7): 7971-7975 (2020)Interference Mitigating Satellite Broadcast Receiver using Reduced Complexity List-Based Detection in Correlated Noise., , , and . CoRR, (2014)Distributed Two-Way Localization Bounds for 5G mmWave Systems., , , and . GLOBECOM Workshops, page 1-6. IEEE, (2018)A Novel TOA-Based Mobile Localization Technique Under Mixed LOS/NLOS Conditions for Cellular Networks., , and . IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 65 (11): 8841-8853 (2016)Performance of location and orientation estimation in 5G mmWave systems: Uplink vs downlink., , , , and . WCNC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2018)Near-field Localization with a Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Acting as Lens., , , , , and . ICC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)