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Achieving Covert Wireless Communications Using a Full-Duplex Receiver., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 17 (12): 8517-8530 (2018)On Secrecy Metrics for Physical Layer Security Over Quasi-Static Fading Channels., , and . IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., 15 (10): 6913-6924 (2016)Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Spatial Modulation for Symbiotic Radio., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 70 (12): 12918-12931 (2021)IRS-Assisted Ambient Backscatter Communications Utilizing Deep Reinforcement Learning., and . IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett., 10 (11): 2374-2378 (2021)Age of Information in Downlink Systems: Broadcast or Unicast Transmission?, , , and . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 41 (7): 2057-2070 (July 2023)Underlay D2D Communication in a Finite Cellular Network with Exclusion Zone., , , and . VTC Fall, page 1-7. IEEE, (2017)Secure Transmission Design for Cognitive Radio Networks With Poisson Distributed Eavesdroppers., , , , and . IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur., 11 (2): 373-387 (2016)Average Age of Information Penalty of Short-Packet Communications with Packet Management., , , and . ICC, page 1670-1675. IEEE, (2023)Monostatic Backscatter System With Multi-Tag to Reader Communication., , and . IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 68 (10): 10320-10324 (2019)Performance of Wireless-Powered Sensor Transmission Considering Energy Cost of Sensing., , , , and . GLOBECOM, page 1-7. IEEE, (2015)