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Constructing negotiation of meaning model for task-based language training online game., , and . Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, volume 203 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 151-154. ACM, (2007)Baby Robot "YOTARO"., , , , , , , and . ICEC, volume 6243 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1-8. Springer, (2010)Flexible foot interface for versatile training field., , , and . SIGGRAPH Posters, ACM, (2009)Baby type robot "YOTARO"., , , , , , , and . SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, page 3:1. ACM, (2009)The trampoline entertainment system for aiding exercise., , and . VRCAI, page 169-174. ACM, (2009)Kangaroo: the trampoline entertainment system for aiding exercise., , , and . Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, volume 352 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 414. ACM, (2008)Mounting and application of bubble display system: bubble cosmos., , , , and . Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, page 47. ACM, (2006)bubble cosmos., , , , and . SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, page 3. ACM, (2006)Versatile training field: the wellness entertainment system using trampoline interface., , , and . SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, page 25:1. ACM, (2009)Virtual Blowgun System for Breathing Movement Exercise., , and . ICEC, volume 6243 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 278-285. Springer, (2010)