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On Selecting Vehicles as Recommenders for Vehicular Social Networks., , , and . IEEE Access, (2017)Multi-modal multi-concept-based deep neural network for automatic image annotation., , , and . Multimedia Tools Appl., 78 (21): 30651-30675 (2019)Performance-Driven Task and Data Co-scheduling Algorithms for Data-Intensive Applications in Grid Computing., , , and . APWeb, volume 3007 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 331-340. Springer, (2004)A Security Auditing Approach Based on Mobile Agent in Grid Environments., , and . ICCSA (5), volume 3984 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 243-250. Springer, (2006)Applying an Intelligent Learning Partner in Teacher Education for Improving CT-Related TPACK., , , and . ICBL, volume 12830 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 152-163. Springer, (2021)AtCAF: Attention-based causality-aware fusion network for multimodal sentiment analysis., , , , , and . Inf. Fusion, (2025)An examination of on-line machine learning approaches for pseudo-random generated data., , , , , , and . Clust. Comput., 19 (3): 1309-1321 (2016)EduCross: Dual adversarial bipartite hypergraph learning for cross-modal retrieval in multimodal educational slides., , , , and . Inf. Fusion, (2024)Stochastic Configuration Networks Based Adaptive Storage Replica Management for Power Big Data Processing., , and . IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, 16 (1): 373-383 (2020)Combining Convolutional Neural Network and Markov Random Field for Semantic Image Retrieval., , , , and . Adv. Multim., (2018)