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An Adaptive GA Based on Information Entropy., , , and . ICNC (3), volume 3612 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 93-101. Springer, (2005)A Blockchain-Based Crowdsourcing Loan Platform for Funding Higher Education in Developing Countries., , , , , , and . IEEE Access, (2023)Self-Supervised Hypergraph Learning for Enhanced Multimodal Representation., , , , and . IEEE Access, (2024)Joint Power Splitting and Relay Selection in Energy-Harvesting Communications for IoT Networks., , and . IEEE Internet Things J., 7 (1): 584-597 (2020)Research on Intelligent Grid Data Center Operation and Maintenance Based on Artificial Intelligence Technology., and . CIPAE, page 182-186. ACM, (2020)Secrecy diversity analysis with Multi-user scheduling for overlay cognitive radio systems., , and . WPMC, page 482-486. IEEE, (2016)Energy efficiency of network cooperation for cellular uplink transmissions., , and . ICC, page 4394-4398. IEEE, (2013)Performance evaluation of half-duplex relay-based opportunistic cooperation diversity., , and . Sci. China Inf. Sci., 53 (2): 325-334 (2010)Secrecy outage analysis of multi-user multi-eavesdropper cellular networks in the face of cochannel interference., , and . Digit. Commun. Networks, 1 (1): 68-74 (2015)A Survey on Wireless Security: Technical Challenges, Recent Advances, and Future Trends., , , and . Proc. IEEE, 104 (9): 1727-1765 (2016)