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Creating Glossaries Using Pattern-Based and Machine Learning Techniques., и . LREC, European Language Resources Association, (2008)Extraction of Definitions Using Grammar-Enhanced Machine Learning.. EACL (Student Research Workshop), стр. 88-96. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2009)Corpus of Dutch Aphasic Speech., и . CLIN, Grafisch Centrum Amsterdam, (2005)A pilot study for a Corpus of Dutch Aphasic Speech (CoDAS)., и . LREC, стр. 1648-1653. European Language Resources Association (ELRA), (2006)Enhancing the Learning Process: Qualitative Validation of an Informal Learning Support System Consisting of a Knowledge Discovery and a Social Learning Component., , , и . EC-TEL, том 6383 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 374-389. Springer, (2010)Integrating Social Media and Semantic Structure in the Learning Process., , , и . EC-TEL, том 6964 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 489-494. Springer, (2011)Hidden Patterns in Learner Feedback - Generalizing from Noisy Self-assessment during Self-directed Learning., и . CSEDU (1), стр. 285-290. SciTePress, (2011)