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An Ultra-low-power 10-Bit 100-kS/s Successive-approximation Analog-to-digital Converter., , , и . ISCAS, стр. 1117-1120. IEEE, (2009)An energy-efficient level shifter for low-power applications., , и . ISCAS, стр. 2241-2244. IEEE, (2015)Design Guidelines for Two-Stage Cascode-Compensated Operational Amplifiers., , и . ICECS, стр. 264-267. IEEE, (2006)A novel frequency compensation technique for two-stage CMOS operational amplifiers., , и . ICECS, стр. 256-259. IEEE, (2003)Systematic Design for Power Minimization of Pipelined Analog-to-Digital Converters., , , и . ICCAD, стр. 371-374. IEEE Computer Society / ACM, (2003)A Statistical Approach to Estimate the Dynamic Non-Linearity Parameters of Pipeline ADCs., , и . ICCAD, стр. 367-370. IEEE Computer Society / ACM, (2003)An extended robust mathematical model to project the course of COVID-19 epidemic in Iran., , , и . Ann. Oper. Res., 339 (3): 1499-1523 (августа 2024)A 1.8V, 10-bit, 40MS/s MOSFET-only pipeline analog-to-digital converter., , и . ISCAS, IEEE, (2006)A low-power capacitor switching scheme with low common-mode voltage variation for successive approximation ADC., , и . Microelectron. J., (2017)A Comparative Analysis of Phase-Domain ADC and Amplitude-Domain IQ ADC., , , и . IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap., 62-I (3): 671-679 (2015)