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An implementation methodology for Neural Network on a Low-end FPGA Board., , и . CANDAR, стр. 228-234. IEEE, (2020)A data compressor for FPGA-based state vector quantum simulators., , , и . HEART, стр. 63-70. ACM, (2024)RT-libSGM: An Implementation of a Real-time Stereo Matching System on FPGA., , , и . HEART, стр. 1-9. ACM, (2022)Weighted Least Square Filter for Improving the Quality of Depth Map on FPGA., , , , и . Int. J. Netw. Comput., 12 (2): 425-445 (2022)A cost/power efficient storage system with directly connected FPGA and SATA disks., , , , и . MCSoC, стр. 51-58. IEEE, (2023)Low power implementation of Geometric High-order Decorrelation-based Source Separation on an FPGA board., , , и . COOL CHIPS, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2023)Weight Least Square Filter for Improving the Quality of Depth Map on FPGA., , , , и . CANDAR (Workshops), стр. 297-300. IEEE, (2021)FPGA/Python Co-Design for Lane Line Detection on a PYNQ-Z1 Board., , и . MCSoC, стр. 53-60. IEEE, (2019)A state vector quantum simulator working on FPGAs with extensible SATA storage., , , , и . ICFPT, стр. 272-273. IEEE, (2023)An FPGA off-loading of HARK sound source localization., , , и . CANDARW, стр. 236-240. IEEE, (2022)