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The Application of Machine Learning Tools to the Validation of an Air Traffic Control Domain Theory., и . Int. J. Artif. Intell. Tools, 10 (4): 613-637 (2001)The Automated Refinement of a Requirements Domain Theory., и . Autom. Softw. Eng., 8 (2): 195-218 (2001)Automated Acquisition of Action Knowledge., , , и . ICAART, стр. 93-100. INSTICC Press, (2009)Acquiring planning domain models using LOCM., , и . Knowledge Eng. Review, 28 (2): 195-213 (2013)Issues in validation and executability of formal specifications in the Z notation.. University of Leeds, UK, (2002)British Library, EThOS.The application of a machine learning tool to the validation of an air traffic control domain theory., и . ICTAI, стр. 414-421. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)A Case Study in the Use of Theory Revision in Requirements Validation., и . ICML, стр. 368-376. Morgan Kaufmann, (1998)Acquisition of Object-Centred Domain Models from Planning Examples., , и . ICAPS, AAAI, (2009)Action Knowledge Acquisition with Opmaker2., , , и . ICAART (Revised Selected Papers), том 67 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 137-150. Springer, (2009)Towards the Automated Debugging and Maintenance of Logic-based Requirements Models., и . ASE, стр. 105-114. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)