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An empirical study on configuration-related issues: investigating undeclared and unused identifiers., , , , и . GPCE, стр. 35-44. ACM, (2015)Java reflection API: revealing the dark side of the mirror., , , , и . ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE, стр. 636-646. ACM, (2019)Lint-Based Warnings in Python Code: Frequency, Awareness and Refactoring., , , , , и . SCAM, стр. 208-218. IEEE, (2022)SPLLIFT: statically analyzing software product lines in minutes instead of years., , , , , и . PLDI, стр. 355-364. ACM, (2013)Modular aspect-oriented design rule enforcement with XPIDRs., , , , и . FOAL, стр. 13-18. ACM, (2013)The contract enforcement aspect pattern., , , , , , и . SugarLoafPLoP, стр. 6:1-6:14. ACM, (2010)On the Performance and Adoption of Search-Based Microservice Identification with toMicroservices., , , , , , , , и . ICSME, стр. 569-580. IEEE, (2020)Revisiting Refactoring Mechanics from Tool Developers' Perspective., , , , , и . SBMF, том 12475 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 25-42. Springer, (2020)Front Matter., , и . SAST, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, (2024)Do you see any problem? On the Developers Perceptions in Test Smells Detection., , , , , , , и . SBQS, стр. 21-30. ACM, (2023)