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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

On the Online Generation of Effective Macro-Operators., , und . IJCAI, Seite 1544-1550. AAAI Press, (2015)Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems: An Introduction., , , , , und . Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems, Springer, (2016)A Requirements Capture Method and its use in an Air Traffic Control Application., , , , und . Softw. Pract. Exp., 25 (1): 47-71 (1995)In Defence of Design Patterns for AI Planning Knowledge Models (short paper)., und . IPS-RCRA@AI*IA, Volume 2745 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2020)A tool-supported approach to engineering HTN planning models., und . ICTAI, Seite 272-279. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Embedding Automated Planning within Urban Traffic Management Operations., und . ICAPS, Seite 391-399. AAAI Press, (2017)Preface to special issue on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling., , und . Knowledge Eng. Review, 28 (2): 117-119 (2013)Deriving a Correct Logic Program from the Formal Specification of a Non-Linear Planner.. ISMIS, Seite 466-475. North-Holland/Elsevier, (1988)Dynamic OWL Ontology Design Using UML and BPMN., , und . KEOD, Seite 436-444. SciTePress, (2014)Learning Heuristics for Ordering Plan Goals through Static Operator Analysis., und . ISMIS, Volume 869 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 406-415. Springer, (1994)