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Behavioral overlays for non-verbal communication expression on a humanoid robot., and . Auton. Robots, 22 (1): 55-74 (2007)Interactive robot theatre., , , , , , and . Commun. ACM, 46 (7): 76-85 (2003)Working with robots and objects: revisiting deictic reference for achieving spatial common ground., and . HRI, page 297-304. ACM, (2006)Building an autonomous humanoid tool user., , , , , , , , , and 5 other author(s). Humanoids, page 402-421. IEEE, (2004)Untethered robotic play for repetitive physical tasks., , and . Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, page 27-34. ACM, (2005)Action parsing and goal inference using self as simulator., , , , and . RO-MAN, page 202-209. IEEE, (2005)Interactive robot theatre., , , , , , , and . IROS, page 3648-3655. IEEE, (2003)Coördinating HR communication.. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, (2007) ('s play: interactive games with sociable machines., , and . Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, page 74-83. ACM, (2004)Public anemone: an organic robot creature., , , , , , and . SIGGRAPH Abstracts and Applications, page 76. ACM, (2002)