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Other publications of authors with the same name

An Approach to Autonomizing Legacy Systems, , , , and . Workshop on Self-Healing, Adaptive and Self-MANaged Systems, (June 2002)A Case Study in Software Adaptation, , and . Workshop on Self-Healing Systems, (November 2002)Dynamic Restructuring Transactions, and . Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications, chapter 7, Morgan Kauffmann, (1992)Combining Mobile Agents and Process-based Coordination to Achieve Software Adaptation, and . CUCS-007-02. Columbia University Department of Computer Science, (2002)Rule Chaining in Marvel: Dynamic Binding of Parameters., , , and . IEEE Expert, 7 (6): 26-33 (1992)Process Evolution in the Marvel Environment., and . ISPW, page 104-106. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)An Active Events Model for Systems Monitoring, , , , and . Working Conference on complex and Dynamic Systems Architecture, (2001)Extending Attribute Grammars to Support Programming-in-the-Large, and . ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, volume 16 of 5, ACM press, (September 1994)Support Algorithms for Incremental Attribute Evaluation of Asynchronous Subtree Replacements, and . CUCS-033-90. University of Columbia, (1990)Merging Scheduling Graphs during Incremental Attribute Evaluation of Asynchronous Subtree Replacements, , and . Technical Report, CUCS-450-89. Department of Comp. Sc., Columbia University, New York, (July 1989)