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Design and Modeling for Self-organizing Autonomic Systems., and . BIONETICS, volume 103 of Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, page 252-258. Springer, (2011)An Approach to Autonomizing Legacy Systems, , , , and . Workshop on Self-Healing, Adaptive and Self-MANaged Systems, (June 2002)A Case Study in Software Adaptation, , and . Workshop on Self-Healing Systems, (November 2002)Continuous On-Line Validation of Web Services., , , and . ELPUB, Verlag für Wissenschaft und Forschung, (2002)Using Process Technology to Control and Coordinate Software Adaptation., and . ICSE, page 262-273. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Mycocloud: Elasticity through Self-Organized Service Placement in Decentralized Clouds., , , and . CLOUD, page 629-636. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Myconet: A Fungi-Inspired Model for Superpeer-Based Peer-to-Peer Overlay Topologies., , and . SASO, page 40-50. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Design Rule Hierarchies and Parallelism in Software Development Tasks., , , , and . ASE, page 197-208. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Adaptive Internet Interactive Team Video., , and . ICWL, volume 3583 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 66-77. Springer, (2005)Retrofitting Autonomic Capabilities onto Legacy Systems., , , and . Clust. Comput., 9 (2): 141-159 (2006)