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High efficiency at web scale.. ICAC, page 179-180. ACM, (2012)STORM: lightning-fast resource management., , , , and . SC, page 55:1-55:26. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Leveraging modern interconnects for parallel system software (מינוף רשתות תקשורת מתקדמות לטובת מערכת הפעלה מקבילית.; שער נוסף בעברית: מינוף רשתות תקשורת מתקדמות לטובת מערכת הפעלה מקבילית.).. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, (2003)Flexible CoScheduling: Mitigating Load Imbalance and Improving Utilization of Heterogeneous Resources, , , and . IPDPS, page 85. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Designing Parallel Operating Systems via Parallel Programming., , , , and . Euro-Par, volume 3149 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 689-696. Springer, (2004)Architectural Support for System Software on Large-Scale Clusters., , and . ICPP, page 519-528. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Direct-Coding DNA With Multilevel Parallelism., and . IEEE Comput. Archit. Lett., 23 (1): 21-24 (January 2024)Gender Differences in Collaboration Patterns in Computer Science., and . Publ., 10 (1): 10 (2022)High-efficiency server design., , , , , , and . SC, page 27:1-27:27. ACM, (2011)The Quadrics network (QsNet): high-performance clustering technology., , , , and . Hot Interconnects, page 125-130. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)