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Other publications of authors with the same name

Fine-Grained Heterogeneous Execution Framework with Energy Aware Scheduling., , , , , , , and . CLOUD, page 35-44. IEEE, (2023)Quantum optimization algorithms: Energetic implications., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp., (July 2024)SHARP: A Distribution-Based Framework for Reproducible Performance Evaluation., , , , and . IISWC, page 82-93. IEEE, (2024)A Protocol for creating Multiagent Systems in Ensemble with Pure Data., and . ICMC, Michigan Publishing, (2014)Revisiting Performance Evaluation in the Age of Uncertainty., , , , and . HiPCW, page 23-30. IEEE, (2023)DyTwin: Federated Adaptive Digital Twins for Data Centers - Visualization and Anomaly Detection., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). SC Workshops, page 847-852. IEEE, (2024)Adaptive Stopping Rule for Performance Measurements., , , and . SC Workshops, page 1288-1297. ACM, (2023)Autotuning Under Tight Budget Constraints: A Transparent Design of Experiments Approach., , , , , and . CCGRID, page 147-156. IEEE, (2019)Toward transparent and parsimonious methods for automatic performance tuning. (Vers des méthodes transparentes et parcimonieuses pour l'optimisation automatique des performances).. University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, (2021)Mixed Precision Quantization for ReRAM-based DNN Inference Accelerators., , , , , , , , , and 8 other author(s). ASP-DAC, page 372-377. ACM, (2021)