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Diffeomorphically Learning Stable Koopman Operators., , , , , and . IEEE Control. Syst. Lett., (2022)Evolution of social power over influence networks containing antagonistic interactions., , and . Inf. Sci., (2020)Towards safe physical human-robot interaction: An online optimal control scheme., , and . RO-MAN, page 503-508. IEEE, (2012)Inferring the goal of an approaching agent: A human-robot study., , , , , , and . RO-MAN, page 527-532. IEEE, (2012)Impedance-Based Gaussian Processes for Modeling Human Motor Behavior in Physical and Non-Physical Interaction., , , and . IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 66 (9): 2499-2511 (2019)Variational Integrators and Graph-Based Solvers for Multibody Dynamics in Maximal Coordinates., , , and . CoRR, (2023)Stability of Gaussian Process State Space Models., and . CoRR, (2018)State estimation and learning of unknown branch current flows using decentralized Kalman filter with virtual disturbance model., , , , and . AMPS, page 31-36. IEEE, (2010)Learning and generalizing force control policies for sculpting., , and . IROS, page 1493-1498. IEEE, (2012)Human-preference-based control design: Adaptive robot admittance control for physical human-robot interaction., , and . RO-MAN, page 443-448. IEEE, (2012)