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Improving the performance of Machine Learning Algorithms for TOR detection., , , and . ICOIN, page 439-444. IEEE, (2021)DD-Locker: Blockchain-based Decentralized Personal Document Locker., , , , and . ICOIN, page 68-73. IEEE, (2022)Parallel DBSCAN Algorithm Using a Data Partitioning Strategy with Spark Implementation., , , and . IEEE BigData, page 305-312. IEEE, (2018)Hazard analysis for human-on-the-loop interactions in sUAS systems., , , , and . ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE, page 8-19. ACM, (2021)Heterogeneous Feature Fusion Based Machine Learning on Shallow-Wide and Heterogeneous-Sparse Industrial Datasets., , , , , , , , and . ICPR Workshops (4), volume 12664 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 566-577. Springer, (2020)Pruned search: A machine learning based meta-heuristic approach for constrained continuous optimization., , , , and . IC3, page 13-18. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Adaptive Autonomy in Human-on-the-Loop Vision-Based Robotics Systems., , , , , , , and . WAIN@ICSE, page 113-120. IEEE, (2021)BRNet: Branched Residual Network for Fast and Accurate Predictive Modeling of Materials Properties., , , and . SDM, page 343-351. SIAM, (2022)Recognition of vocal emotions from acoustic profile., , and . ICACCI, page 710-716. ACM, (2012)Uncertainty query sampling strategies for active learning of named entity recognition task., , and . Intell. Decis. Technol., 15 (1): 99-114 (2021)