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Partial Specifications for Program Repair., and . GI@ICSE, page 19-20. IEEE, (2021)A self-adjusting code cache manager to balance start-up time and memory usage., , , and . CGO, page 82-91. ACM, (2010)EventFlowSlicer: goal based test generation for graphical user interfaces., and . A-TEST@SIGSOFT FSE, page 8-15. ACM, (2016)Combinatorial test design in practice., and . ICSE (2), page 495-496. ACM, (2010)978-1-60558-719-6.Factors affecting the use of genetic algorithms in test suite augmentation., , and . GECCO, page 1365-1372. ACM, (2010)Ordering disks for double erasure codes., and . SPAA, page 229-236. ACM, (2001)Configurations in Android testing: they matter., , and . A-Mobile@ASE, page 1-6. ACM, (2018)Improving the Testing and Testability of Software Product Lines., , and . SPLC, volume 6287 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 241-255. Springer, (2010)EvoIsolator: Evolving Program Slices for Hardware Isolation Based Security., , , and . SSBSE, volume 11036 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 377-382. Springer, (2018)Piecing together app behavior from multiple artifacts: A case study., , and . ISSRE, page 438-449. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)