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First-Order Strong Progression for Local-Effect Basic Action Theories.

, , and . KR, page 662-672. AAAI Press, (2008)

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Belief and Introspection.. Artificial and Mathematical Theory of Computation, page 247-260. Academic Press / Elsevier, (1991)Reasoning about Concurrent Execution Prioritized Interrupts, and Exogenous Actions in the Situation Calculus., , and . IJCAI, page 1221-1226. Morgan Kaufmann, (1997)A View Of Knowledge Representation.. On Knowledge Base Management Systems (Islamorada), page 63-69. Springer, (1985)An Overview of Knowledge Representation., and . On Conceptual Modelling (Intervale), page 3-17. Springer, (1982)A Fundamental Tradeoff in Knowledge Reresentation and Reasoning (Revised Version), and . Readings in Knowledge Reresentation, (1985)KRYPTON: Integrating Terminology and Assertion., , and . AAAI, page 31-35. AAAI Press, (1983)Situations, Si! Situation Terms, No!, and . KR, page 516-526. AAAI Press, (2004)On the Progression of Situation Calculus Basic Action Theories: Resolving a 10-year-old Conjecture., and . AAAI, page 1004-1009. AAAI Press, (2008)Reasoning about Noisy Sensors and Effectors in the Situation Calculus., , and . Artif. Intell., 111 (1-2): 171-208 (1999)The Tractability of Path-Based Inheritance., and . Principles of Semantic Networks, Morgan Kaufmann, (1991)