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A combinatorial algorithm and warm start method for dynamic traffic assignment., , and . ITSC, page 224-229. IEEE, (2011)Multi-objective Traffic Signal Timing Optimization Using Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II., , and . GECCO, volume 2724 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 2420-2421. Springer, (2003)Transportation application of social media: Travel mode extraction., , and . ITSC, page 1648-1653. IEEE, (2016)Comparing Delay Minimization and Emissions Minimization in the Network Design Problem., , and . Comput. Aided Civ. Infrastructure Eng., 27 (4): 288-302 (2012)Utilising Location Based Social Media in Travel Survey Methods: bringing Twitter data into the play., , , and . LBSN@SIGSPATIAL/GIS, page 1:1-1:9. ACM, (2015)Single-leader multi-follower games for the regulation of two-sided Mobility-as-a-Service markets., , , , and . CoRR, (2021)Benders' decomposition for freeway network design under endogenous autonomous vehicles demand., , , and . CoRR, (2019)The development of an Ontology for driving Context Modelling and reasoning., , and . ITSC, page 13-18. IEEE, (2016)A mean-variance model for the minimum cost flow problem with stochastic arc costs., and . Networks, 56 (3): 215-227 (2010)Remote Sensing Methods for Flood Prediction: A Review., , and . Sensors, 22 (3): 960 (2022)