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Tradeoffs in Real-Time Robotic Task Design with Neuroevolution Learning for Imprecise Computation., , , , , и . RTSS, стр. 206-215. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Mobile agent middleware for sensor networks: an application case study., , и . IPSN, стр. 382-387. IEEE, (2005)Coordinating Resource Usage through Adaptive Service Provisioning in Wireless Sensor Networks., , и . COORDINATION, том 6116 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 107-121. Springer, (2010)Enhanced Coordination in Sensor Networks through Flexible Service Provisioning., , и . COORDINATION, том 5521 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 66-85. Springer, (2009)Agile cargo tracking using mobile agents., , , , , , и . SenSys, стр. 303. ACM, (2005)Network coded routing in delay tolerant networks: an experience report., , , , и . ExtremeCom, стр. 4:1-4:6. ACM, (2011)A Lightweight Coordination Middleware for Mobile Computing., , и . COORDINATION, том 2949 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 135-151. Springer, (2004)sChat: a group communication service over wireless sensor networks., , и . IPSN, стр. 543-544. ACM, (2007)A hierarchical location directory service across sensor and IP networks., , , и . SenSys, стр. 365-366. ACM, (2006)Passive Network-Awareness for Dynamic Resource-Constrained Networks., , , , и . DAIS, том 6723 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 106-121. (2011)