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Design and Performance Evaluation of an Adaptive Resource Management Framework for Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems., , , , , и . EURASIP J. Embed. Syst., (2008)Monocular Semantic Occupancy Grid Mapping With Convolutional Variational Encoder-Decoder Networks., , и . IEEE Robotics Autom. Lett., 4 (2): 445-452 (2019)Hierarchical control of multiple resources in distributed real-time and embedded systems., , , , и . Real Time Syst., 39 (1-3): 237-282 (2008)Learning to complete partial observations from unpaired prior knowledge., и . Pattern Recognit., (2020)Integrating Static and Time-Series Data in Deep Recurrent Models for Oncology Early Warning Systems., , , , , и . CIKM, стр. 913-936. ACM, (2021)Towards Virtualization-Agnostic Latency for Time-Sensitive Applications., , , , , , , и . RTNS, стр. 35-45. ACM, (2021)Empirical Study and Enhancements of Industrial Wireless Sensor-Actuator Network Protocols., , , и . IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 4 (3): 696-704 (2017)Mobile agent middleware for sensor networks: an application case study., , и . IPSN, стр. 382-387. IEEE, (2005)Coordinating Resource Usage through Adaptive Service Provisioning in Wireless Sensor Networks., , и . COORDINATION, том 6116 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 107-121. Springer, (2010)Cyber-physical codesign of distributed structural health monitoring with wireless sensor networks., , , , и . ICCPS, стр. 119-128. ACM, (2010)