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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

On Typechecking Top-Down XML Tranformations: Fixed Input or Output Schemas, , und . CoRR, (2006)Another view on functional and multivalued dependencies in the relational database model, und . International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences, 12 (4): 247--267 (1983)A solution to P11, , und . Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, (1983)A Unified Theory of Structural Tractability for Constraint Satisfaction and Spread Cut Decomposition., , und . IJCAI, Seite 72-77. Professional Book Center, (2005)Coupling Fragments of XPath with XML Indexing and Query Decomposition., , , , und . EROW, Volume 229 von CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2007)Complete Geometrical Query Languages., , und . PODS, Seite 62-67. ACM Press, (1997)Tables as a Paradigm for Querying and Restructuring., , und . PODS, Seite 93-103. ACM Press, (1996)Comparing the expressiveness of downward fragments of the relation algebra with transitive closure on trees., , , , , , und . Inf. Syst., (2020)Similarity and bisimilarity notions appropriate for characterizing indistinguishability in fragments of the calculus of relations., , , , , und . J. Log. Comput., 25 (3): 549-580 (2015)A Grammar-Based Approach Towards Unifying Hierarchical Data Models (Extended Abstract)., , und . SIGMOD Conference, Seite 263-272. ACM Press, (1989)SIGMOD Record 18(2), June 1989.