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The ACM PODS Alberto O. Mendelzon test-of-time award 2012., , и . PODS, стр. 35-36. ACM, (2012)The ACM PODS Alberto O. Mendelzon test-of-time award 2013., , и . PODS, стр. 61-62. ACM, (2013)Relative Expressive Power of Navigational Querying on Graphs., , , , , , , и . CoRR, (2014)First-Order Queries on Finite Structures Over the Reals., , и . SIAM J. Comput., 27 (6): 1747-1763 (1998)A Graph-Oriented Object Database Model., , и . PODS, стр. 417-424. ACM Press, (1990)Semi-determinism., и . PODS, стр. 191-201. ACM Press, (1992)A Storage Structure for Unnormalized Relational Databases., и . BTW, том 136 из Informatik-Fachberichte, стр. 481-486. Springer, (1987)Non-deterministic aspects of database transformations involving object creation, и . Modelling Database Dynamics, Selected Papers from the Fourth International Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects, стр. 3--16. Volkse (near Braunschweig), Germany, (октября 1993)On a hierarchy of classes for nested databases, , и . Information Processing Letters, 36 (5): 259--266 (декабря 1990)A graph-oriented object database model, , , и . IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering, 6 (4): 572--586 (1994)