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Community Poll: Externalizing Public Sentiments in Social Media in a Local Community Context., , и . HCOMP, стр. 201-209. AAAI, (2014)The Rise of Curation on GitHub., , , и . HCOMP, стр. 46-47. AAAI Press, (2015)Exploring the ecosystem of software developers on GitHub and other platforms., , , и . CSCW Companion, стр. 265-268. ACM, (2014)Perceived Self-Efficacy and APIs., и . PPIG, стр. 5. Psychology of Programming Interest Group, (2010)Using Scenarios for Contextual Design in Agent-Oriented Information Systems., , и . ER (Workshops), том 2814 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 241-243. Springer, (2003)Community incident chatter: Informing local incidents by aggregating local news and social media content., , и . ISCRAM, ISCRAM Association, (2014)Seek and Reflect: A Mobile Scavenger Hunt to Develop Community Engagement., , , и . C&T, стр. 212-223. ACM, (2021)COVID-19 Kindness: Patterns of Neighborly Cooperation during a Global Pandemic., , , и . C&T, стр. 1-14. ACM, (2021)A scaffolded introduction to dynamic website development for female high school students., , , , , , , и . SIGCSE, стр. 226-230. ACM, (2009)The case for computer scientists teaching computer science or digit-alice in squanderland.. SIGCSE/CSA, стр. 229-231. ACM, (1978)