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The modeling and controlling of smart car motor based on laser sensor.

, , , and . ICCC, page 17-19. ACM, (2011)

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A Channel Adaptive WiFi Indoor Localization Method based on Deep Learning., , , , and . WCNC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Fabrication of Nanoslits with Etching TSWE Method., , , , , and . NEMS, page 174-177. IEEE, (2021)Design of wireless transmission digital thermometer., , , , and . ICCC, page 13-16. ACM, (2011)Very-Low-Voltage Testing for Weak CMOS Logic ICs., and . ITC, page 275-284. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)Outage Performance for Cognitive Two-Way Relaying Networks with Underlay Spectrum Sharing., , , , and . VTC Spring, page 1-5. IEEE, (2014)An improved fast marching method and its application in Alzheimer's disease., , , , and . Int. J. Imaging Syst. Technol., 23 (4): 346-352 (2013)Attention-Based Cross-Domain Gesture Recognition Using WiFi Channel State Information., , , and . ICA3PP (2), volume 13156 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 571-585. Springer, (2021)Structured Design-for-Debug - The SuperSPARCTM II Methodology and Implementation., and . ITC, page 175-183. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)A three-dimensional DFT algorithm using the fast Hartley transform., and . Proc. IEEE, 75 (2): 264-266 (1987)High Performance Single-Site Finite DMRG on GPUs., , , , and . CAIBDA, page 1-5. VDE / IEEE, (2022)