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Prediction of the change of learners' motivation in programming education for non-computing majors., , , , и . FIE, стр. 1-7. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Programming education for primary school children using a textual programming language., , , , , и . FIE, стр. 1-7. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)The effects of teaching material remediation with ARCS-strategies for programming education., , , , и . FIE, стр. 717-723. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Parallel Algorithms for the Static Dictionary Compression., , и . Data Compression Conference, стр. 162-171. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Analysis of the motivation of learners in the in-house training of programming in Japanese ICT industries., , , и . CSEE&T, стр. 121-128. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Mutual Improvement between Teaching Materials and Assessment Tools for K-12 Programming Education., , и . FIE, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2021)Assessing the Learners' Motivation in the E-Learning Environments for Programming Education., , , и . ICWL, том 4823 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 355-366. Springer, (2007)Work in progress: Analysis of the relationship between teaching contents and motivation in programming education., , , и . FIE, стр. 1-2. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)The Transition of the Motivation of the Students in the Art Faculty to Learn Programming., , , и . ICALT, стр. 894-896. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Analyzing the Motivation of the Students in the Art Faculty for Learning Programming., , , и . ICALT, стр. 244-246. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)