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Designing presence for real locomotion in immersive virtual environments: an affordance-based experiential approach.. Virtual Reality, 19 (3-4): 277-290 (2015)Enhancing realism in virtual environments by simulating the audio-haptic sensation of walking on ground surfaces., , , и . VR, стр. 73-74. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Evaluating a Novel P300-Based Real-Time Image Ranking BCI., , , , , и . Frontiers Comput. Sci., (2021)On the relation between the fields of Networked Music Performances, Ubiquitous Music, and Internet of Musical Things., и . Pers. Ubiquitous Comput., 27 (5): 1783-1792 (октября 2023)Haptification of performer's control gestures in live electronic music performance., и . Audio Mostly Conference, стр. 244-247. ACM, (2019)BCHJam: a Brain-Computer Music Interface for Live Music Performance in Shared Mixed Reality Environments., , , , , и . IS2, стр. 1-9. IEEE, (2024)Real-Time Pattern Recognition of Symbolic Monophonic Music., и . Audio Mostly Conference, стр. 308-317. ACM, (2024)Demo of a smart musical instrument-based real time pattern detection system., и . Audio Mostly Conference, стр. 552-554. ACM, (2024)Smart Musical Instruments preset sharing: an ontology-based data access approach., и . WF-IoT, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Co-designing Employees' Data Privacy: a Technology Consultancy Company Use Case., и . FRUCT, стр. 398-406. IEEE, (2021)