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On-the-Fly Process Resource Quarantine for System Stabilization., , and . CIT/IUCC/DASC/PICom, page 517-524. IEEE, (2015)An Analysis of the Relationship between a Write Access Reduction Method for NVM/DRAM Hybrid Memory with Programming Language Runtime Support and Execution Policies of Garbage Collection., and . IIAI-AAI, page 597-603. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)An architecture of operating system utilizing non-volatile main memory and heterogeneous multi-core., and . ICIS, page 559-563. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Fork Bomb Attack Mitigation by Process Resource Quarantine., and . CANDAR, page 691-695. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Out of Memory Prevention Based on Memory Allocation Rate., , and . CANDAR, page 566-570. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Behavior-Based Memory Resource Management for Container-Based Virtualization., and . ACIT/CSII/BCD, page 213-217. IEEE, (2017)Language runtime support for NVM/DRAM hybrid main memory., and . COOL Chips, page 1-3. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Multi-level queue NVM/DRAM hybrid memory management with language runtime support., and . RACS, page 437-442. ACM, (2015)NVM/DRAM hybrid memory management with language runtime support via MRW queue., and . SNPD, page 357-362. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Preliminary Analysis of a Write Reduction Method for Non-volatile Main Memory on Jikes RVM., and . CANDAR, page 597-601. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)