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PerfML: Smart Management of Complex Performance Data and Analytics., , , , , and . CogMI, page 146-155. IEEE, (2021)ShadowSync: latency long tail caused by hidden synchronization in real-time LSM-tree based stream processing systems., , , , , and . Middleware, page 281-294. ACM, (2022)Recovery-Conscious Adaptive Watermark Generation for Time-Order Event Stream Processing., , and . IoTDI, page 66-78. IEEE, (2020)When average is not average: large response time fluctuations in n-tier systems., , , and . ICAC, page 33-42. ACM, (2012)XQL: A Query Language for XML Data., , and . QL, W3C, (1998)Fat-Btree: An Update-Conscious Parallel Directory Structure., , and . ICDE, page 448-457. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)A Study of Long-Tail Latency in n-Tier Systems: RPC vs. Asynchronous Invocations., , , , and . ICDCS, page 207-217. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)DoubleFaceAD: A New Datastore Driver Architecture to Optimize Fanout Query Performance., , , , and . Middleware, page 430-444. ACM, (2020)Document Warehousing Based on a Multimedia Database System., , , , , , and . ICDE, page 168-173. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Recovery-Robust Inquiry to External Services from Stream Processing Application., , , , and . IEEE Big Data, page 2333-2338. IEEE, (2022)