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Domain-Specific Representations in the KBSA Concept Demo., и . KBSE, стр. 97-106. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)Directions for Future KBSA Research., , и . KBSE, стр. 84-89. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)From ontology to knowledge graph with agile methods: the case of COVID-19 CODO knowledge graph., и . Int. J. Web Inf. Syst., 18 (5/6): 432-452 (2022)CODO: An Ontology for Collection and Analysis of Covid-19 Data., и . KEOD, стр. 76-85. SCITEPRESS, (2020)Plan-Based Guidance for Knowledge-Based Software Engineering., и . SEKE, стр. 665-672. Knowledge Systems Institute, (1993)Intelligent Assistance for Transformation-Based Environments.. SEKE, стр. 158-165. Knowledge Systems Institute, (1993)User-Centric Software Engineering., и . IEEE Expert, 10 (1): 34-41 (1995)Dental Restorative Material Ontology (DrMO)., и . FOIS, том 377 из Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, стр. 288-301. IOS Press, (2023)DaanKG: An Ontology model of the UN Sustainable Development Goals to Facilitate and Improve Corporate Social Responsibility., , , , , и . JOWO, том 3637 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2023)The Covid-19 CODO Development Process: an Agile Approach to Knowledge Graph Development., и . KGSWC, том 1459 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 153-168. Springer, (2021)