Author of the publication

Plan-Based Guidance for Knowledge-Based Software Engineering.

, and . SEKE, page 665-672. Knowledge Systems Institute, (1993)

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Other publications of authors with the same name

Motivating Adoption of KBSA: Issues, Arguments, and Strategies.. KBSE, page 90-96. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)Plan-Based Guidance for Knowledge-Based Software Engineering., and . SEKE, page 665-672. Knowledge Systems Institute, (1993)Mapping office work to office technology., and . COCS, page 43-51. ACM, (1986)Encouraging the Adoption of KBSE Technology: What Needs to Happen First?. KBSE, page 237-238. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)New directions in office automation research: SIGOA panel., , , and . ACM Conference on Computer Science, page 432. ACM, (1988)Directions for Future KBSA Research., , and . KBSE, page 84-89. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)An Empirical Evaluation of KBSA Technology., and . KBSE, page 71-78. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)